Saturday, April 6, 2013

Countdown to Sea Otter Classic!!

Damn! this year is going by quick. It's already April!! Only 2 weeks left to train for the big race. I've been racking up the miles this week trying to get my body conditioned good enough to ride for 2 hours straight without collapsing. I'm currently at a 6 day total 136 miles for my 500 mile goal for the month. Today I decided to do some hill training, so Julie and I took on the Patterson Pass challenge. I remember making this ride when I was a lot younger, and it seemed a little tougher today than what I remember. Of course, I was 25 years younger and about 60 lbs. lighter than I am now. We both did pretty well for most of the ride up the hill. We stopped and took breaks about every mile to mile and a half. Sadly though, we had to walk the last couple hundred feet. as the climb got so steep that we I couldn't keep pedaling. But in the end we made it to the top.

A View From The Top!!


On the way to the Summit!!

On our way over, what we used to call as kids "The Top of the World" there was appeared to be an all women's bike race. I was so wishing that I would have gone the other way over the hill. Some of the speeds they were hitting looked incredible. But no, I had to take the hard way over going west. It all worked out though, we took a little break at the top and took some pictures drank a little water and started down the other side. Once we got into Livermore, Julie was in need of a ladies room, so we stopped into the local Subway took care of business and had some lunch. After lunch we headed into downtown Livermore. The wind was starting to pick up so we didn't do much riding around town. We turned east and headed back. We took Altamont Pass Rd. for the return trip. Man I love that ride!! I started off fast and just kept rolling. I did have to slow up a little to let Jules catch up some, but once we got to the bottom, she pulled up and I asked her "was that fun?" Her reply, "That was Freaking Awesome!!" But now came the last big challenge of the day, Midway Rd. On my last two attempts, I failed miserably to climb that friggin' hill. I just couldn't get my legs to carry me over that hill. As soon as I get within sight of the top my legs just shut down. But, NOT TODAY!! those word are what drove me to make it to the top. Go Me!!  We finally made it back to the car 36 miles and just over 3 hours later.


1 comment:

  1. What I really said was "the was Fucking Awesome" and it was!
