Have you ever had one of those days, where you know you should have stayed in bed? That day was Friday, March 15 for me. This is the first time that I can remember having trouble adjusting to the time change. Well it caught up to me on Frday. The morning started off with me oversleeping by almost an hour and missing the morning train. I didn't want to drive in, so I decided to take a later one. That part was ok, but getting in later meant I had to stay later. So, off to work I go. I get there and I start working on this job that had to go that day. Now I know I'm far from perfect, I don't make very many bonehead mistakes, but today I pulled a doozie. Somehow I had mixed up which cam was which on this car , and I set the cam timing all wrong. I rolled it over by hand to see if everything was ok and I didn't feel any resistance, so I assumed everything was ok. When I tried to start the car when I had it back together it sounded funny and wouldnt start. I realized what I had done, I tore it back down and reset the cams and did a compression test. Unfortunately there was none in three cylinders. GREAT!!! now I have to pull the damn thing down AGAIN and repair all the valves I bent. Even better I have to do it on my time!! That was the first event that sent the day into a tailspin.
Later, my sister had wanted me to give her a ride to my parents house after work. Normally I'm ok with it but she kinda sprung it on me at the las minute. She rides a train down to where I catch mine in San Jose, then rides the train back with me, and I drop her off. No big deal usually but, since I got to work late, I had to stay until 4 o'clock which doesn't give me a lot of time to get to the train station. So right as I was about to leave some guy comes into the shop and wants to bend my ear about some problem he has with his car. I told him I was actually heading out the door and had a train to catch. he's all like "it'll only take a second". You know that's not the way it went. He took up almost 10 minutes of my time because he refused to accept my answer to his question. I told him "look if you know the answer, why did you come to me?" At which point he left and and I was finally on my way. Now maybe I was a little rude to the guy, but I can spot a time waster when I see one. So I'm pedalling my bike as hard as I can to get there in 20 minutes. I can usually do it on my road bike, but I thought it would be fun to ride the mountain bike instead. My sister sends me a text while I'm riding about which train she should buy a ticket for. I had origianlly told her 5:30 but I was trying to make the 4:30. In her defense I didn't think I was going to make it at 4:30 so I told her 5:30. But instead of hanging around the station, she decides to go to a bar across the street. I haul ass to the station, punch my ticket, I'm ready to board the train... No train, but the people are still standing there. Where's my sister? I text her to find out where she is, just as she sends her reply, the train pulls up, the peole get on, a minute later the train is gone. I missed my FUCKING train TWICE today!!! Now I have to wait another hour to go home. "Whatever", I tell myself. So then we finally get to town, drop her off at my folks house and I'm heading home

Normally I don't going down Grant Line road, but since I was dropping off my sister It was the fastest way home. As you head east on Grant Line the speed limit chanes about 5 times so you have to pay close attention, well today was the day I got caught not paying attention. Normally I drive like a grandpa when I'm on this road and I was slowing down when I entered the little town of Banta but the cop must not have thought I was slowing fast enougth. He tells me he had me at 51 mph in a 35 zone. I knew Iwas only going 45 (still speeding, but not as bad). I was to tired to argue with him, and besides cops hate it when you play roadside attorney with them. Now I'm getting a ticket, JUST FUCKING GREAT!!!! Can this day get any worse???

I finally get home, tired, beaten, and spent. My phone battery had gone dead earlier so I hooked it up to the charger and walked away. I came back to check on it and WTH!!! no charge!! DAMN IT!! and the phone is getting super hot!! I finally just took a shower and went to bed, before anything else takes a shit!! I guess I can chalk this one up as one of my all time worst days. But hopefully Saturday will be better. It has to be because I'm going to spend it with people I like doing something I like!!!